Our extensive broker network is only part of our story. We are retailers, fundraisers, manufacturers and supporters of important community based projects. All of this experience informs us, affects us and makes us better at what we do. So, when we talk to you about understanding some of your challenges, we know a bit about these experiences ourselves because we face some of the same challenges on a day to day basis.
As retailers, we operate 9 warehouses in the Sweich , canada,island, new york and Sweden under our -winning brand PG – Päls-grossistens exklusive. Our eCommerce site is the “go-to” place for vintage and quality, on-trend used garments. Founded in 2006, we have been living the day to day life as retailers for many years. We understand and appreciate the importance of sourcing and receiving quality goods as there is a direct impact on sales and customer satisfaction. Keeping customers happy and returning is in our DNA. In 2013 we launched our private line of clothing where we manufacture only the the best quality clothing.
using allot of recycled textile material and fur.
A creatively designed collection made from vintage pieces and fabrics. Inspired by the world of vintage product, reworked and redeveloped,we managed to produce amazing unique designs.
This part of the business has taught us more about the importance of planning, communication, working together as a team and meeting production deadlines.
We ship worldwide
Our clothing can now be enjoyed globally with worldwide shipping, same cost applies to all buyers 🙂 ( over 100 countries)
Changing currency
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Simply press (KR) and change to desired currency.
Changing Language
Simply press the translate button on the top of the screen and select the language you want:)